What we Offer
TheHorseCourse ReStart
Typically 10 hours of 1:1 work with a facilitator, over 5 consecutive days.
Participants are by referral only, from Schools & PRUs, Social Services, NHS or private Mental Health Services, Family Services and other specialist agencies. We take children from 9yrs old upwards, young people and adults.

Our participants have serious problems such as ADHD, ASD, self harming, bullying, aggression, victims of bullying or abuse, risk taking behaviour, eating disorders, self harm, suicidal ideation, domestic violence, mental health problems, social isolation, not in education, employment or training (NEET or at risk of NEET). They are referred because they are ‘stuck’ or disengaged from talk-based support.
We teach, rehearse and repeat key resilience skills in an intensive and challenging, but fun, 5 day programme with feedback in-the-moment from specially trained horses and
1-to-1 facilitator support.
Email for referral and consent forms.

Lighter Touch Options
In addition to the intensive ReStart we offer Lighter Touch options such as top ups, tailored sessions and group work – different ways to help people at a lower level of need or to provide longer term support after a ReStart course.
Email for referral and consent forms.
Non-verbals Toolbox for professionals
We offer frontline professionals a half-day training in our specialism – reading and responding to non-verbal behaviour.
A game-changer with difficult or disengaged clients.
Email to discuss how we can arrange a course for your organisation or link you up with others requesting training.
A report published by NPC & CLINKS and peer reviewed by CSAAP (the academic panel at the Ministry of Justice) showed a 27 % point reduction in reoffending (where 10% is large).
A study by Bournemouth University is tracking the outcomes for our young people post-course at 2 months and 12 months and results show that 80%+:

are less anxious (with 33% average improvement)

have reduced problem behaviours

improved attendance/engagement at school

better relationships

increased self belief