The Sussex home of The Horse Course,
leaders in equine assisted interventions.
Parkfield Equine Solutions CIO is a fully approved Sussex Hub for world renowned charity TheHorseCourse.
We are situated at the foot of the South Downs in the village of Hurstpierpoint and deliver intensive equine interventions for children, young people and adults to develop confidence, build life skills and improve their wellbeing. We are fortunate to be funded by organisations such as The National Lottery – Awards for All, The Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner and BBC Children in Need among others, and we are able to offer full and part funded places where statutory funding is not available.
We are within easy reach of the A23 and sit on the border of East and West Sussex making us easily accessible to most of Sussex.
Visits are strictly by appointment only. Please do not show up without prior consent as the stables are privately owned.

TheHorseCourse results are impressive, 8 out of every 10 young people we work with WILL do better in school – AND in their relationships with peers, family and professionals. We can help when talking isn’t working.